Monday, February 7, 2011

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

I have long been obsessed with Charlie Kaufman films. The screen writer / director / producer has such amazing talent that stretches boundaries and gives us new ways to look at cinema and even human creativity in general. I find his work to be so inspiring and often thought provoking.

THIS movie, however, struck me with a force ten times that of all his other works. I know not everyone agrees with me, but I think this movie is a work of pure genius. Charlie worked with the brilliant minds of Michel Gondry (who was also the creative director for more than one Bjork music video and much more) and Pierre Bismuth to bring this masterpiece to life. I sit in awe of their skill and vision every time I watch this movie, and I watch it fairly often!

In tribute to these great minds is this Etsy treasury which features fan art and items which reminded me of certain scenes, quotes, or just looked like something that Clementine would pick up.

Meet me in Montauk...

1 comment:

  1. "I felt he found my letters then read each one out loud" that quote from the song Killing Me Softly reminds me of how I felt watching this movie. It was an emotionally striking movie and I need to see it again. Strangely, as much as I loved it I haven't re-watched it since it was at the theater!! Beautiful treasury.
